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What is SEO? On Page SEO | Off Page SEO | Technical SEO



Maximize Your Online Reach and Unlock the Potential of Digital Marketing with SEO

When you type a keyword or phrase on Google, you see 10 results appearing on Google’s first page for your query. Have you ever thought about why Google is showing these pages to you? What’sWhat’s so special about these results?


The first page of Google is called SERP, i.e., the search engine result page. It includes the top 10 results for any query people search on Google. But does it mean Google only has those 10 results for a specific query? Certainly not.


There are hundreds of pages of different websites for each query. For more competitive markets, the number reaches to even thousands. But Google only gives visibility to the most relevant results for your query on the first page.


How does Google analyze those pages and consider them most relevant to your query? Well, Google has standards and guidelines to rank any site on the first page. You can rank your website on Google SERP if you know those guidelines.


Are you interested to learn about it? Of Course you’re…!



Introduction to SEO: Search Engine Optimization


Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of improving your website’s organic visibility by making it compatible with Google’s quality guidelines for websites. 


SEO is the backbone of any online business. Those businesses who don’t have an advertising budget for paid traffic and want to get organic traffic should consider SEO.


Unlike Good Ads or any other paid search option, SEO takes time before your site starts getting organic traffic. But SEO’s results are long-lasting. 


Unlike paid ads that stop once you stop paying for advertisement costs, your organic ranking due to SEO never decreases.


When starting your SEO journey, the first and foremost important lesson to consider is “never try to rank with black hat SEO tricks.” There are people who do bad practices to get a fast ranking, but that success is for a very short time.


Google’s algorithm is always updating, and sooner or later, Google catches those abusers or black hat SEO practitioners and derails or sometimes penalizes their sites.


Types of SEO


Although SEO is a very wide subject. There are hundreds of ranking factors that SEOs improve for a website in order to rank on Google SERP. 


However, we can broadly divide SEO into three categories;


● On-Page SEO

● Off-Page SEO

● Technical SEO


Let’s explain each one in detail:


On-Page SEO


On-page SEO, also known as on-site SEO, is an important part of any effective SEO strategy as it helps search engines understand what your website is all about and rank it accordingly in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).


On-page SEO involves optimizing a website’s content, HTML, and structure to make it more attractive and easier to find by search engines. It also involves optimizing meta titles and descriptions.


Some of the most important on-page SEO tactics include:


● Creating SEO-friendly URLs


Every URL should include a keyword that accurately describes the content on the page. This tells search engines what the page is about and can help give you a ranking boost.


● Writing effective page titles


Make sure the titles of your web pages are catchy and include your primary keyword or phrase. This is the first thing potential visitors see in the SERPs, so make it attention-grabbing!


● Optimizing your content


Make sure your content is high quality, informative, relevant, and optimized for keywords. Adding images and videos can also be beneficial for on-page SEO.


● Optimizing meta titles and descriptions


Your meta title and description should accurately reflect the content on the page. Make sure to include your main keyword in both for increased visibility.


● Linking to internal pages


Linking to other pages on your website can help ensure users stay on your site longer and increase engagement. It can also help search engines crawl and index your website pages.


● Optimizing page loading speed


Optimizing page loading speed makes for a better user experience and can lead to higher ranking in the SERPs.


By implementing the above on-page SEO tactics, you can help make sure search engines understand your website, rank it higher and get more visitors.


Off-Page SEO


Off-page search engine optimization, also known as off-site SEO, is the process of building links to other sites to increase your website’s authority and trust in Google’s algorithm.


This is accomplished by building relationships with other web pages, creating good content, and getting links from other websites. Off-page SEO is just as important for your site’s success as on-page SEO.


Link building is one of the most important elements of SEO. Link building involves getting quality, relevant links to your website from other websites. Backlinks are of the following types;


● Contextual Backlinks

● Forum Links

● Guest Post

● Blog Commenting

● Directory Submission

● Social Bookmarking

● Press Releases

● Web 2.0

● Infographics Submission

● Video Submission

● Document Submission

● Image Submission

● Local Directory Listing


There was a time back in 2014-15 when these links were performing well. But SEOs started abusing Google’s ranking algorithm by spamming with these links, so Google updated its algorithm and is now smart enough to catch the spam.


Now the most powerful links are contextual links coming from high authority and relevant sites. One contextual backlink is more valuable and powerful than 100 low-quality backlinks. 


So make sure you know well about backlinks types before starting a link-building campaign for your website.


Technical SEO


Apart from On Page and Off Page SEO, there is another big area in SEO, i.e., Technical SEO. 


Technical SEO ensures that a website can be easily accessed and crawled by Search Engines so that it can be indexed properly in order to rank higher in SERPs.


We’ve compiled 10 Technical SEO factors that you must know. Here are these;


● Site Structure and Navigation

● Crawling, Rendering, and Indexing

● Improving your pagespeed

● HTML Errors / W3C Validation

● Ensure your site is mobile-friendly

● Check for broken links

● Multiple URLs: Capital vs. Lowercase URLs

● Image Optimization

● Consider enabling AMP

● Optimize 404 Page


Recently Google has released a core update about Core Web Vitals for Technical SEO for better ranking in searches. 


This refers to metrics related to performance, visual stability, and user-centric experience that help to measure the quality of user experience for any website. It includes;


1. Largest Contentful Paint

2. Cumulative Layout Shift

3. First Input Delay


If you correctly work on the above factors, you could rank better in the SERPs.


How Much Time Does It Take to Get Results from SEO? 


SEO isn’t an overnight success, as it takes time to see the results. It usually takes 6-12 months to see the full results of SEO, but it’s possible to see improvements in rankings and organic search traffic after about 3-6 months.


For new domains, the first 3-4 months are called the Sandbox period, during which Google will not give any priority. It takes at least 4-6 months to start seeing the ranking and traffic. 


However, these timelines can vary depending on the domain’s history, the amount of competition, and the quality of the work that has been done. 


Search engine optimization is an essential marketing strategy for businesses to increase their visibility on the internet.


By understanding how search engine algorithms work, websites can design content that will be optimized for search engine success, resulting in increased traffic and better engagement with customers.


With the use of analytics and careful tracking, companies can make sure their efforts for search engine optimization produce the desired results and provide a positive return on investment.